Author: Will Seidler

2021 Annual Meeting Notice

In accordance with Article IV, Section 3 of the River Farms Conservancy Bylaws, please accept this memorandum as official notification of the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Members.  This year’s meeting will occur on Thursday, June 3rd, 2021 at 6:30PM, hosted at 2701 Carter Farm Court Alexandria, VA 22306 on the Pool Lawn. Sign in for the annual meeting will begin at 5:00PM.

 You will always be required to wear a mask in accordance with state and local laws.You must always keep six (6) feet distance from others.You are asked to bring your own chair or blanket to seat on maintaining 6FT distance for others.During sign-in, please maintain 6 ft apart when in line. Please note that all payments due to River Farms Conservancy must be paid in order to vote. Payments will not be accepted at the Annual Meeting. 

The purpose of this year’s annual meeting will be to fill three (3) open positions on the Board of Directors.  Those individuals elected to the Board at the annual meeting will each serve a three-year term.  While Membership in the Conservancy is not a prerequisite to hold office, those individuals that are Members must be in good standing. 

If you are unable to attend this year’s Annual Meeting, please complete and return the enclosed proxy form.  Returning these forms helps to ensure that the Conservancy will meet its quorum requirement of one-tenth of the Membership.  You may either designate your proxy solely for the purpose of being counted for quorum or to another individual to vote on your behalf.  Please note that for a proxy to qualify, it must be signed by all owners of record, dated, and witnessed.  Your proxy can be delivered by mail to Summit Management’s Virginia office (address listed below), faxed, or email.  All Members are asked to return their proxy by no later than Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021.  If your proxy will be arriving with a Member, please note that it must be presented at the registration table prior to the commencement of the meeting.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this year’s meeting, please do not hesitate to contact our Community Manager, Ms. Toria Harris via email at  On behalf of the Board, we hope that all Members can join us for this year’s meeting.  We thank you for your past support and look forward to another spectacular year of serving the community.     

Conservancy Update – April 2021

Greetings Neighbors,

The past year has presented challenges to our community due to Covid-19, but we are optimistic about opening the pool this summer. The River Farms Conservancy Board has been hard at work to do everything under our power to open the pool as scheduled. 

The good news is that we see a path to opening under the current guidelines. One unknown variable at this point is the availability of lifeguards. Premier Aquatics, as you may know, hires extensively overseas to recruit summer lifeguards. While they have hired a full complement to staff their pools in 2021, some countries are seeing a delay in procedures such as embassy interviews due to Covid-19. If you know of someone interested in lifeguarding this summer please let us know. Premier has part-time and full-time opportunities and is paying for training at the moment. 

Based on feedback from the community we wanted to provide an update of what we foresee operations may look like as we open the pool and begin the summer. Please note these are subject to change based on government regulations and in coordination with Premier Aquatics.

Below is a preliminary operating plan and notes related to opening

  • Updated Rules and Regulations
  • Post signage at the entrance that states that no one with a fever or symptoms of COVID-19 or known exposure to a COVID-19 case in the prior 14 days, is permitted in the establishment.
  • Post signage to provide public health reminders regarding physical distancing, gatherings, options for high risk individuals, and staying home if sick. 
  • Provide hand sanitizing stations throughout the facility, including at the entrance/exit and where shared equipment is utilized. 
  • Enforce Seating on pool decks with at least ten feet of spacing between persons who are not members of the same household 
  • Enforce in-water social distancing of 10 ft. between swimmers who are not members of the same household
  • Masks must be worn while entering/exiting, using the bathrooms, or moving about the pool deck. Children under 5 not required to wear a mask (Mask Policy subject to review based on government guidelines, etc)
  • All patrons who wish to use the pool must have a hold harmless on file 
  • Reservations 
    • Due to the social distancing requirements as well as our pool company’s policy we will be implementing a reservation system. At this time we anticipate allowing 10 households to use the pool at any given time. Again this is fluid and subject to change
    • Reservations will be made using Sign-Up Genius
    • All reservations are for 90 minute blocks. All patrons must exit at the appointed time for cleaning (30 mins)
    • To begin the summer households may sign up for 2 blocks in a given day. We will amend this as needed based on usage, availability, etc
    • Households may be required to bring their own seating. This is to minimize the cleaning required between time blocks. Again, this is fluid and a working plan at this time
  • Other Notes
    • Only one household can be in the splash pool at a given time. We are working on a policy/reservation system for this feature
    • The lap lane will remain open but is limited to one patron/household. Additional instruction will be given as needed
    • No parties or gatherings on the pool house deck until further notice
    • Our guest policy is being determined and further updates will be provided
  • New Community Manager 
    • We have a new community manager for our conservancy, Toria Harris. She is your contact for anything conservancy related (Pools/Tennis Courts)
    • 301-576-8374
  • Government Guidelines – full guidelines at the link below
    • We are under Phase 3 Guidelines – Full document here Safer at Home: Phase 3 Guidelines for All Business Sectors.
      • Hot tubs, spas, saunas, splash pads, spray pools and interactive play features must be closed.
      • Indoor and outdoor swimming pools may be open at up to 75% occupancy, if applicable, with ten feet of physical distance between patrons not members of the same household.
      • Free swim is allowed.
      • Seating may be provided on pool decks with ten feet of spacing between persons who are not members of the same household.

We appreciate your cooperation and support as we continue our work to open the pool this summer. Please continue to check for updates. 


William Seidler

President, River Farms Conservancy